Forgotten Beauty
2016 - 2017
The series deals with an extraordinary generation—the “baby boom” generation born out of the destruction and hope of the aftermath of World War II. They grew up in a conservative, capitalist, and materialistic society, but during the 1960s they underwent a profound transformation, both personal and collective.
The series centers on the defining moment of Woodstock 1969 in the United States and other festivals in England in the late 1960s, a symbol of the height of the counterculture. The audacity to dream, the liberation from social norms, and the longing for a life in which the individual and spirituality prevail over materiality.
Through the powerful images, symbolic figures, and complex atmosphere, the paintings invite the viewer to join a journey towards intellectual and human freedom, and to reflect on how the legacy of that generation continues to shape the way we communicate with each other and the ideals we seek to pursue.
The works are mixed media on paper and canvas, from black and white to color. The use of color comes from the imagination, because the photographs I used were originally in black and white, there was room and freedom to go wild with the colors. The colors I chose are psychedelic, a psychedelic surrealist approach to objects
This is not just a series of paintings, but also a call to rethink processes of change in society and the endless search for a better world.

mixed media on paper, 19x22cm, 2016

mixed media on paper, 34x22cm, 2017

mixed media on paper, 75x57cm, 2017

mixed media on canvas, 80x80cm, 2017

mixed media on canvas, 110x90cm, 2017

mixed media on canvas, 120x90cm, 2017

mixed media on canvas, 100x80cm, 2017

mixed media on canvas, 80x70cm, 2016